Register PRO version

Test 3 months free of charge & absolutely without obligation with unlimited number of users!

Information about the PRO version

Important information about the PRO version:

URL of the PRO version *
Choose a short and concise name for your eye training. Ultimately, you will access the training via the following URL: (Only letters are allowed and no numbers or special characters except the hyphen -)

Title on startpage *
This is the title of the eye training that is visible on many pages.

Theme colour *
This is the colour of the buttons and the upper part

Logo *
At least 400x400px, square, *.png or *. jpg format

Personal details about yourself and your company:

Company name *

Your name *

Your email address *

Adress *

Address supplement

Postalcode / City *

What language do you speak? *

Almost there... But be careful, this information is important:

Username *
Use this admin user for login and to create new users:

Password *
A password has already been generated for you, but you can still change it below:

Because of spambots, I ask you to briefly prove that you are a human being: *
9 + 8?