Information about Oculy

Oculy's exercises help to awaken the potential of the eyes by solving various tasks on the computer. Register now for a free and non-binding 14-day trial version!.

Test free of chargeShow all exercises
Is the software suitable for everyone?

People with an acute eye condition (e.g. inflammation) should not start training until their symptoms have subsided and people with photosensitive evoked epilepsy should not train.

Can I still achieve success a long time after the event?

The Lite version contains only six exercises of your choice - in the Premium version you have all exercises to choose from.

How can I install the eye training on my computer?

Drag 'n drop the icon next to the url onto the desktop or watch this video: Watch the video

How can I cancel the eye training after a rental?

After the purchase, you can cancel the training at any time in the settings or you can simply write me an email.

Impressions of the exercises

What do customers say about the Saccadic training?

Hier finden Sie Erfahrungsberichte von Menschen, die diese Software bereits genutzt haben.

More safety in everyday life
Mr Fasel, Oculy's first customer:
"More safety in everyday life"
Thanks to the Oculy exercises, I have become more confident in everyday life and especially when cycling

Easier social interaction
Mrs. Andrey:
"Easier social interaction"
The eye training has helped me to use my eyes even better in everyday life. As a result, I now move and feel safer, especially in unfamiliar surroundings. I also recognise my fellow human beings better, which also makes social interaction easier.

...very motivating
Mr S.:
"...very motivating"
I came across this training through a recommendation. The many different exercises and simulators have motivated me very much to train frequently (daily).

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