General training

During this training you have to find all predefined numbers that are spread over the whole screen.

  • For this exercise you must be logged in (Instruction) and you must be on the home page.

1. Open the exercise by clicking on the corresponding box

Schritt 1

2. Click on ‘Start’

Schritt 2

2. a) Easy mode option

Activate the Easy mode if you do not want to search for the point exploratively but want to provoke saccadic eye movements. A mixture between explorative and saccadic eye movements is recommended. If you have any questions, consult a specialist or contact us:

Schritt 2a

3. Click on ‘Start’

This picture shows the normal exercise without easy mode

Schritt 3

4. Find all previously shown numbers

  • Attention: Move your eyes only, not your head

  • Note: If you want to end the exercise prematurely, press the ESC key

Schritt 4

5. Click ‘Save and quit’ or ‘Start’

If you want to finish the exercise, click ‘Save and quit’, otherwise click ‘Start’.

Schritt 5

6. Click on ‘Continue training’

After the exercise, a statistic appears in which you can analyze the exercise you have just performed. For more detailed evaluations, click on ‘Statistics’.

Schritt 6